🖍️ Who can enter?
All St. Mark Parish Children - Kindergarten through 8th grade.
🎨 When’s the deadline?
Submit your artwork by December 16th. Don’t wait!
🖌️ What should I draw?
Your design can feature creative lettering, abstract patterns, or
scenes of people riding carnival rides. The sky’s the limit!
🖥️ How do I submit?
Submit your drawing as a pencil sketch or digital line drawing
(using a drawing app like Notability).
The design should be sized 8½” x 11”.
No colors, please – we want to see the outlines!
Email your finished design as a PDF, JPEG, or PNG to carnival@stmarkparish.org .
Don’t sign your drawing – instead, add your name and Parishioner # name in the email subject line.
🏆 What’s the prize?
The winner will receive T-shirts for their entire family, be honored at church to unveil their design, and get a 4-day wristband to enjoy all the Carnival fun in February (February 27th-March 2nd)!
Let’s see your creativity in action! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!!!
Submit your designs by December 16th!
The Saint Mark Raffle Committee